This 1000+ page book, currently in preparation by AGIRI leaders Dr. Ben Goertzel and Cassio Pennachin, gives a conceptual and mathematical overview of the Novamente AI Engine architecture.

The draft manuscript is presently undergoing extensive revisions. The book is expected to be released in late 2003.

To give you an idea of the scope of the book, the table of contents for the current draft follows. Some of the chapters have coauthors aside from Ben and Cassio; these individuals are not indicated in this draft table of contents.

Part I. Conceptual Background
1. Introduction
2. What is Intelligence?
3. The Complex-Systems Perspective
4. Four Levels of Mind
5. The Self-Creating Mind
6. Evolution and Mind
7. The Psynet Model of Mind

Part II. Novamente Overview
8. Atom-Level Knowledge Representation
9. Map-Level Knowledge Representation
10. Dynamics Overview
11. Experiential Interactive Learning
12. Perception and Action
13. Novamente Questions & Answers

Part III. Formal Structures for Implemented and Emergent Mind
14. A Mathematical Framework for Novamente
15. A Formal Notation for Describing Novamente Atoms
16. Schemata and Predicates
17. ShapeWorld
18. Pattern Theory
19. Toward A Formal Theory of Intelligence and Mind

Part IV. Novamente Software Structures
20. The Mind OS
21. The Novamente Shell
22. Sasha: A Higher-level Language for Specifying Novamente Structures and Dynamics
23. An Elementary Schema Vocabulary
24. Distributed Processing Issues
25. Novamente Configuration

Part V. Basic Cognitive Structures and Dynamics
26. Logical Relationships
27. Logical Inference Rules
28. Inference Control Strategies
29. Truth Value Representations
30. Probabilistic Term Logic
31. Activation Spreading and Attention Allocation
32. Procedure Execution
33. Hebbian Association Formation
34. Atomspace as a Metric Space
35. Evolutionary Methods for Optimization and Learning
36. Concept Formation
37. Clustering
38. Procedure Learning
39. Causal Inference
40. Psyche and Intelligent Control
41. Map Encapsulation and Expansion

Part VI. Autonomous Intelligence
42. Experiential Interactive Learning
43. Self-Observation and Self-Modification

Part VII. Initial Domains of Specialization
44. Mobile Robot Control
45. Representing and Manipulating Numerical Data
46. Recognizing Patterns in Time Series
47. Psynese: A Language for Inter-Novamente Discourse
48. Human Language Processing
49. Theorem-Proving