The Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute is currently accepting cash donations in any amount.

As most of our staff are based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, at Vettatech, a relatively small donation goes a rather long way by US or European standards. A US$2500 donation can pay an AGIRI software engineer or scientist for a month. A US$300 donation can pay a university student to work half-time for AGIRI as an intern, for a month.

There is very little overhead involved in our small operation; at the present time, essentially all of the donation goes to fund staff salaries. Once we move from a primarily system engineering phase into a system teaching/training phase, hardware costs will become significant, but this is not yet the case.

We are also open to donations in the form of computer hardware. We are in particular need of machines with 1GB of RAM or more, and 2 or more processors.

We are in the process of setting up a PayPal account, so that cash donations may conveniently be made online.